Friday, October 28, 2011

Can Water Tanks and Clean Water Save The World

For families that don't have access to clean water, the risk of sickness due to contaminated water is greater. Sadly, clean water, plumbing and water tanks are alien in many rural areas the world over. Water is a precious resource but unfortunately many people remain uneducated about water management.

In Bangladesh, about half of the country’s 12 million tube wells are found to contain harmful levels of arsenic, simply because the tubes were not dug deep enough, at least 100 meters deep. The blame is squarely on the Bangladeshi government, who did not educate and supervise communities correctly. There’s no saying how many people were unsuspectingly poisoned by arsenic.

Despite the fact that arsenic poisoning is not fatal, it can lead to serious internal injury. Arsenic poisoning is a threat all over the world, and mostly due to contaminated water sources. Poisoned water sources have affected 140 million people in 70 countries.

Such figures highlight the need to check water sources in order to avoid injury and death. All pipes, plumbing systems and reservoirs need to be checked on a regular basis. Governments of developing countries have spent millions of dollars in related projects.

To date no water contamination deaths have been reported in Bangladesh, but the government must take control before that happens. It has been reported that Bangladesh has received international money to improve the situation. It appears that despite this aid, the government has not done much.

There are more serious cases in other parts of the world. In many developing nations, the combination of diarrhea from impure water and malnutrition is killing young children. All over the world, 90% of all deaths from water-related diarrhea occur in children who are too weak to resist the infection since they have not been eating enough.

769 000 African children under the age of 5 died from water-related diarrhea between 2000 and 2003. Clean water tanks provide a solution, and if such a tank had been erected in problem areas, many children may have lived. To put things into perspective, only 700 children under 5 died from these sicknesses between 2000 and 2003.

If clean water supplies are introduced, these figures will drop by up to 25%. If you store, treat and distribute water correctly, as in developed nations, you can reduce cases of diarrhea by 39%. Obviously the ideal is that all developing countries follow this example

Studies have shown that sewage is the main cause of contamination, which means that people end up drinking human fecal parasites. This is a disturbing revelation. A survey in 2006 revealed that 1.1 billion people globally did not have clean drinking water, which correlates to 1.8 million deaths from water-related illnesses.

Poor access to clean water could lead to preventable deaths. For very little money, Water Tanks, filters, and purifiers can be placed to save lives. If a community has an efficient water system, then lives can be saved.

If you need to have the best water tank that you could use at home, make sure that you go to trusted places only. Hitting this link will help. Try it out now!